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Sigma Chess 6.0.2 ƒ
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Sigma Chess 6.0.2 Release Notes
September 9, 2002
IMPORTANT: Before running Sigma Chess 6, please read the License Agreement and
Disclaimer sections below and make sure you agree to ALL conditions.
Sigma Chess 6 is a very strong Macintosh chess program with an intuitive user interface
and many features. See the included manual HTML manual for details or visit the Sigma
Chess web-site:
The author Ole K. Christensen can be contacted via e-mail at:
ole@sigmachess.com or ole@kagi.com
Sigma Chess 6 comes in two different versions: Sigma Chess 6 Lite and Sigma
Chess 6 Pro.
Sigma Chess 6 Lite is freeware and can be downloaded from the Sigma Chess web-site
http://www.sigmachess.com. Certain high-end features from the commercial version are
either disabled or limited in this free version. Nevertheless, it's a complete, full-strength
chess program with many features; it's not just a demo. If you're a casual chess player
without the need for special features, chances are that Sigma Chess 6 Lite will do just
Sigma Chess 6 Pro is not freeware, but a full featured commercial product. You must
pay the $15 fee in order to register and become a legal owner of this version (see
below for details on how to register). Before deciding to buy and upgrade to the Pro
version, we recommend that you stick with Sigma Chess 6 Lite for a while, and get
familiar with the program. This way you won't end up paying for something that really
wasn't what you expected.
The division of Sigma Chess 6 into Lite and Pro versions resembles the shareware
concept in many ways, but there are some important differences:
Ñ The Lite version is time-unlimited freeware: You can use it for as long as you like, not
just for e.g. 30 days as for shareware products.
Ñ Although some features are disabled/limited in the Lite version, it is still a complete,
full-strength chess program.
Ñ When/if you upgrade to the commercial Pro version by paying the small $15 fee,
you'll not only relieve your conscience (after all) and make the author of Sigma Chess
happy :-), you will also benefit from all the new features which were disabled/limited
in the Lite version.
NOTE: If you have already purchased Sigma Chess 5 Pro, you can upgrade to Sigma
Chess 6 Pro free of charge simply by entering your current Sigma Chess 5 Pro license
The price for upgrading to Sigma Chess 6 Pro is only $15. Registration and payment
is handled via the widely used Internet payment service Kagi (www.kagi.com), and can
be done in two ways:
Ñ Register online on the secure Kagi server at https://order.kagi.com/?1CU. Only
payment by credit card is accepted here.
Ñ Start the Register Sigma 6 Pro application, fill out the registration form and send it to
Kagi. If you are paying by credit card, you can send the form via e-mail
(to sales@kagi.com) or fax (to +1 510 652-6589). Payments sent via e-mail are
processed within 3 to 4 days, whereas payments via fax take up to 10 days. If you
are paying with cash or USD check you need to print the registration form and send
it to the address included on the form.
In all cases, once your payment has been processed you will receive a confirmation
e-mail from Kagi. A few days later you will receive another e-mail from the author of
Sigma Chess containing a unique Serial Number and a personal License Key. In order
to upgrade to Sigma Chess 6 Pro, you then simply click the "Upgrade" button in the
Sigma Chess 6 About dialog and enter this license information. From then on Sigma
Chess 6 will run in "Pro" mode with the full feature list enabled!
All future updates to Sigma Chess 6 Pro are provided free of charge for owners of
Sigma Chess 6 Pro. You simply need to download the new version 6.x.x and it will
automatically run in "Pro" mode.
Sigma Chess 6 requires an Apple Macintosh or MacOS compatible meeting the
following requirements:
Ñ Processor : Any PowerPC
Ñ System Software : Mac OS X or Mac OS 8.6/9.x (with CarbonLib 1.4 or later installed).
Ñ Monitor : 800 x 600 resolution or higher with thousands or millions of colours.
Ñ Memory : At least 8 MB free, but 20 MB or more is recommended in order to take
full advantage of the transposition tables, the 3D board and large collections.
Various features of interest to serious chess players are limited or disabled in the
freeware Lite version:
Ñ The new position and opening line filters are only available for collections
with at most 100 games.
Ñ The new player rating history graph only shows the first 10 games.
Ñ Collections can contain a maximum of 1000 games.
Ñ Changes to opening/position libraries cannot be saved.
Ñ Only the KQKR and KBNK endgame databases are included. The commercial Pro
version contains several other 4-piece endings.
Ñ Automatic game annotation/analysis are disabled for collections.
Ñ Diagrams are not printed when printing collections/online chess books.
Ñ Diagrams are not included when exporting collections/online chess books to HTML.
Ñ Transposition tables are limited to 10 MB, whereas the commercial Pro version can
handle transposition tables up to a size of 320 MB.
Ñ At most three windows can be opened simultaneously.
Ñ Monitor mode is not available.
Sigma Chess 6 includes a wealth of new features and enhancements. The major new
features are:
Ñ Native OS X Compatibility: Unlike previous versions, Sigma Chess 6 is a so-called
"Carbon" application that runs natively on Apple's new, powerful UNIX-based
Mac OS X operating system. Sigma Chess 6 also runs on the "Classic" Mac OS
version 8.6 or 9.x (providing the CarbonLib extension is installed). But System 7.x
and OS 8.0 - 8.5 are no longer supported. Note: Help balloons are not supported under
Carbon and have hence been removed from Sigma Chess 6 (both in OS 8.6/9.x and
OS X). At a later stage the new tooltip based help manager will be supported. Likewise,
focus on non-edit controls in the dialogs are no longer supported.
Ñ New 2500 ELO Setting: The Sigma Chess 6 playing strength dialog now includes
a 2500 ELO option (in Sigma Chess 5 the maximum was 2400 ELO). While the
Sigma 6 engine is slightly stronger than the Sigma 5 engine, this new 2500 ELO
option is mainly included because of the increased power of the new top G4 Macs.
It will not be available on older G4s (or any G3s).
Ñ Redesigned User Interface: The User Interface has been redesigned in accordance
with the new Aqua GUI under OS X. Most of these design improvements are also
available when running Sigma Chess 6 in Mac OS 8.6 or 9.
Ñ Position/Opening Line Database Search: In Sigma Chess 6 Pro it is now possible
to perform database searches on specific board positions and opening lines.
Ñ Up to 1 Million Games in Collections: Sigma Chess 5 Pro was limited to 32.000
games, but in Sigma Chess 6 Pro collections can contain up to 1 million games!
(but sorting and filtering is slower and uses a lot more memory for such large
collections, so you might find it more practical to limit your collections to e.g.
100.000 games or less).
Ñ More Sample Games: Now including a game selection of Alekhine, Capablana,
Botvinnik, Karpov and Kasparov.
Ñ HTML Export: Sigma Chess can now generate chess related web pages with
embedded chess diagrams, annotation text etc (similar to printing). It uses the same
piece set naming convention as in ChessBase, so you can use your favorite
ChessBase piece sets instead of the standard Sigma Chess HTML piece set.
Ñ Rating History Graph: A new player ELO dialog is included which shows more rating
statistics, including an ELO history graph showing the development of the player's
ELO rating. In Sigma Chess 6 Lite only the results of the first 10 rated games are
Ñ Multiple Board Sizes: Sigma Chess 6 now supports multiple 2D board sizes.
Ñ Custom Boards & Color Schemes: You can now define you own custom color scheme
and 2D board via the standard Apple Color Picker.
Ñ Larger Transposition Tables: Transposition tables up to 320 MB are now supported
in the Pro version. The Lite version is still limited to 10 MB.
Ñ Improved PGN support: See below for details.
Ñ Improved Position Library Support: A new, more complete opening library is
included. Additionally, support for position classification and automatic import from
game collections are now supported. See below for more details.
Additionally, many medium and minor improvements and new features have been
added, including:
Ñ The old file open/save dialogs have been replaced with the Navigation Services
Ñ Better transposition table memory handling (OS X only). The memory system in
OS X allows the user to change the total transposition table size without restarting
Sigma Chess.
Ñ The are now 8 novice levels and they are all easier than before (they were too
strong in Sigma Chess 5!)
Ñ Better time usage with Fischer clocks.
Ñ Move markers. Sigma Chess can optionally show the last move made (by framing
the "from" and "to" squares).
Ñ Optionally show "future moves" in the move list.
Ñ Optionally show scores relative to White (instead of relative to side to move).
Ñ Optionally show scores using annotation glyphs.
Ñ Play the analysis main line on the board.
Ñ Set the speed of piece movement.
Ñ Pressing the cmd-key while dragging a piece cancels the move.
Ñ Sigma Chess beeps if you perform illegal moves or click on pieces with no legal
Ñ Now supports up to 30 piece set and board type plug-ins (10 in Sigma 5).
Ñ New menu shortcuts, now providing quick keyboard access to nearly all menu
Ñ The main toolbars can now be positioned at the top of the windows too.
Ñ Option to automatically create collections when opening PGN/EPD files (i.e.
without forcing the user to explicitly name and create a new empty collection first).
Ñ Optionally open single game PGN files directly in a new untitled game window.
Ñ Can now parse pasted PGN games with missing tag section and/or game
termination marker.
Ñ Now allows files of ANY type to be opened if the file name ends with .pgn or .epd.
This has been done in order to better handle PC PGN files downloaded from the
Internet, as these are not always considered text files by the Mac OS.
Ñ Optionally remove the space between the period and the move (i.e "1.d4" instead
of "1. d4") during PGN export and cut/copy to clipboard.
Ñ Optionally filter PGN files, so only files with the with .pgn (or .epd) extension can
be opened.
Ñ Optionally remember column widths in collection windows.
Ñ PGN import speed is much improved for large collections.
Ñ A new, more complete opening library is included.
Ñ ECO codes and opening variation names are now shown separately right below
the move list.
Ñ The position library editor has been redesigned and now supports the standard
classification glyphs.
Ñ Sigma Chess's playing style now determines which moves it will play from the
opening library.
Ñ Position library import: Extend the position library with a subset of positions from
game collections (e.g. GM games).
Ñ Sigma Chess now remembers the most recently used opening library when you
restart the program.
Version 6.0.0 ==> 6.0.1
Ñ New option to preserve newlines during PGN import/export (also applies to copy/paste).
Ñ Added a shortcut for the "Analyze Game..." command.
Ñ Replaying moves, when "Show Future Moves" is on, now preserves the scroll setting.
Ñ Typos fixed in the Draw Offer and Preferences dialogs.
Ñ User's Manual proofreading done by Ron Ormston.
Ñ Fixed a bug that sometimes caused startup crashes under OS 8.6.
Ñ Fixed a bug with the Save dialog not appearing in some cases under OS 8.6.
Ñ Opening a single-game PGN-file didn't respect the show final/initial position setting.
Ñ Fixed a bug that somtimes caused crashes when saving changes to games.
Ñ Fixed a bug that caused strange problems if more than 8 board plug-ins were installed.
Version 6.0.1 ==> 6.0.2
Ñ Fixed a bug that sometimes caused crashes when the engine was running in multiple
game windows concurrently.
Ñ Fixed a file type incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar): Sigma Chess documents
couldn't be opened from the Finder or the Dock.
Ñ Under OS 8.6/9 it was not possible to work with very large game collections (400.000
games or more), due to a limitation in the "Reserve memory for general use" option.
Ñ Deleting games in large collections is now much faster than before.
Ñ The "Turn board if Black is identical to Player Name" preferences option didn't work
when opening single game PGN files or collection games.
Ñ Sometimes didn't recognize single game PGN files and opened them in a collection
window instead.
Ñ Under OS X, collections created when opening a PGN file are now stored in the current
user's "Documents" folder (in case the current user hasn't got write permission to the
"Applications" folder).
Although Sigma Chess 6 Lite is freeware, it is copyrighted and NOT in the public
domain. It may not be modified in any way and may thus only be distributed in its
original form (the "sigma-chess-6.sit" file). It may not be sold, or included on a
CD-ROM or any other physical media without explicit permission by the author.
Sigma Chess 6 Pro is NOT freeware, it is copyrighted and may not be redistributed in
any way: It is illegal to upgrade Sigma Chess 6 on two or more computers using the
same Serial Number and License Key.
Unless explicitly otherwise stated the above license also applies to all subsequent
versions of Sigma Chess 6.x Lite & Pro.
The Sigma Chess 6 software is provided as is without any warranties of any kind
either express or implied. By downloading, installing and/or using the Sigma Chess 6
software, the user/customer accepts all responsibility and agrees that the author of
Sigma Chess cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage, data loss or harm
of any kind whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by the installation and/or usage of
the Sigma Chess 6 software.